Mighty titan hewn from stone,
feet planted solid on each bank,
salt stalactites, cold knives hung from his belly.
Twelve wooden steps curve upwards round his form,
inviting to ascend to shoulder height.
A purr of diesel power
confuses human senses.
The giant sputters in his sleep?
Stretching into middle-distance,
straight and true,
along the giant, outstretched arms
a mirage waterway appears.
Bobbing wooden barges
bright in primary hue,
mallards trailing in their wake.
The traveller peering from his collar
sees the river surging to the sea.
An Intersection for adventurers.
Inland my love or on to destiny?
Adele V Robinson

Being a walk
leader during Garstang Walking Festival
On the banks of the river at 7am. Listening to the dawn
chorus – twenty- four different species identified – later the same day taking
part in in the mini-beast river dip with three generations of families. Children, wellies, nets, tray for the catch,
excitement, exploring, identification, reminding each other of our role in
nature. One of the best days for me.
Bluebells are one of the magnets that draw people to the
Wyre area – that’s why Garstang Walking Festival is held the second week in May
– but shock and horror, unseasonably hot weather in March triggered them off to
start flowering early – we walk leaders and bluebell lovers were worried. All was well, as April had low temperatures
and frosty nights and bluebell growth was put on hold. It’s good to be reminded
that, though we plan, we don’t rule the weather or dictate the elements.
There are twenty names on my list for today’s walk along
the Wyre. We meet up, we talk, we
We marvel at all the changes in the river. A flash of
Kingfisher, the delight of bobbing dipper, sound of the cuckoo recalls
childhood memories. Pleasure and joy in exploring this area while learning more
about ourselves. We part-richer for the day spent together. No longer just a list of names.
Pat Ashcoft
Trawling Home - The Return
The front
doors always left unlocked
so they can
get inside.
This night
they may be coming home
Fleetwood's inbound tide.
And all the women wait this night
for husbands
or for kin,
hoping that
they'll come home safe
and selfish
sea won't win.
One day , as every
family knows
the sea may
have its way
yet still
they work the ice cold depths
for fish, for life, for pay.
Christopher Walton